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How to keep your phone Covid-free

How to keep your phone Covid-free

This week the BBC reported on laboratory test results finding Covid-19 can remain infectious on some surface types for up to 28 days. As scary as that is, the same study also gave us solid pointers on how to stop the virus surviving and important instructions to...
Why do viral infections increase in winter?

Why do viral infections increase in winter?

Flu infections spike every winter and now that we’ve got Covid-19 added to the mix it’s important to understand what’s causing it. As well as being cold, the air in winter is notably drier (less humid) and these two things in combination create ideal conditions for...
When to use soap instead of hand sanitizer

When to use soap instead of hand sanitizer

Panic buying is back in the news this week as shoppers rush to stock up on loo roll, sanitizer and pasta all over again. We expect that many of those people stockpiling hand sanitizer are using it at home instead of soap and this week we want to explain why that’s a...
Masks vs visors, what’s the difference?

Masks vs visors, what’s the difference?

One of our dental clients joked that wearing a visor with no mask is like locking your windows to deter thieves but leaving the front door wide open. We get their point and thankfully most close-contact professionals are following the Government’s new rules and...
Should you sneeze with your mask on or off?

Should you sneeze with your mask on or off?

Since Covid reared its ugly head we’ve all faced dilemmas like whether we should sneeze with our mask on or off. Well having supplied dentists for nearly 10 years we’ve been through most of these and can remove the guesswork for you. We asked for your questions and...